It’s about confidence, it’s about competence, it’s about developing tomorrow’s medical skills today.

SurgiReal Difference
Suture Training: Retention Through Ongoing Instruction and Practice

Studies show that skill retention improves when suture training unfolds over time and students are given opportunities to continue to practice beyond the initial training session.

SurgiReal Difference
Suture Training: Better Skill Transfer With Simulation-Based Learning

Studies have shown that simulation-based instruction with high-fidelity simulators is an effective method for improving students’ confidence and retention of skills.

SurgiReal Difference
Which Suture Pad Is Right For Me?

If you're planning to practice suture techniques, your choice of training materials makes a big difference. Getting a clear sense of the skills you want to practice will help ensure you select the right suture pad for your needs.

SurgiReal Difference
How To Provide Suture Training In A Virtual Setting

Effective suture training doesn’t necessarily require a lab environment, or even in-person instruction. While teaching suture techniques online presents some unique challenges, the basic principles of teaching in a virtual setting still apply. 

SurgiReal Difference
Suture Practice: Why Suture Pads Are Superior To Pigs Feet

Medical schools often rely on pigs' feet to introduce students to incision and suture practice. The tissue on pigs' feet is relatively similar to human skin — as it has epidermis and subcutaneous layers — and it’s a relatively cheap option when purchasing en masse. However...