It’s about confidence, it’s about competence, it’s about developing tomorrow’s medical skills today.

SurgiReal Difference
Why Practicing on Pig's Feet and Cadavers Could Lead to Poor Suture Skills

When it comes to surgical skills such as suturing, knot tying, excisions and so on, not all practice materials are as worthwhile and accommodating as others.

SurgiReal Difference
Why Investing in a Tensioning Base Will Improve Your Suturing Skills

SurgiReal’s Tensioning Base is specifically designed to cultivate the learning environment. The tensioning base is a very practical and useful tool to have on hand when practicing suture, I&D, and biopsy techniques on simulative materials.The base acts to hold the suture pad in place to create a rounded surface replicating life-like surface tension of a wound or incision.

SurgiReal Difference
Why SurgiReal is a Great Fit for Professors

Being a medical professor today comes with a plethora of challenges, many of which were unheard of only a few years ago. The need to constantly stay up to date with current medical knowledge while remaining tech-savvy enough to navigate virtual classroom settings on top of all the regular burdens of teaching requires one to make wise decisions when it comes to time and energy-management. SurgiReal is here to work alongside instructors in providing you with the best tools for enabling your students’ success.

SurgiReal Difference
Things to Consider Before You Make Your Own Suture Pad

Find out why cost in terms of time, effort, and re-usability should all be considered before using a home made suture pad for mastering suture skills.

SurgiReal Difference
4 Reasons to Invest in Quality Suture Materials

As a medical, PA, veterinary, nursing student or any medical professional performing suturing, the importance of practicing your suturing skills cannot be left to the wayside. Perfecting your suture techniques frequently throughout your time in school, and even during your professional career, will ensure that you score high on your clinical exams, and ultimately will provide the best service to your patients